
AI unmasked: Have chatbots failed?

It is becoming increasingly popular to say that chatbots have failed and are overhyped.

While it is true that in many cases expectations from chatbots significantly exceed the results on the ground, the anticipation of chatbots’ demise are somewhat premature. 

One of the main problems for chatbots is that the market is inundated with low quality solution providers who deliver low quality results. This happened because conversational AI seems to have low entry barriers. Unlike other recent technological darlings such as space technology or renewable energy, conversational AI is purely software and therefore does not require vast sums of initial investment. 

What this approach is missing however,  is that conversational AI, in addition to being a software, also requires an accurate understanding of how language works. And there is a limited number of people in the world that do have such understanding.

When conversational AI is delivered by AI experts who understand the way human language works, the results are good and convincing, just as how you would expect them to be.

Suffering from unsatisfactory product quality is a common problem for many new and emerging industries.  The rules of the market dictate that most of the low quality players will eventually disappear. Poorly created chatbots will therefore not be around for too long.

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Send Us Your Travel/Hospitality Business Pitch


nmodes is a data analytics company. We analyse data based on consumer intent. We’re pretty good at it.

We spend a significant portion of our processing resources on analysing travel data. And so we are fast to know when somebody is planning a trip, or looking for a place to stay, or visiting your city and searching for activities, restaurants, entertainment.

In addition to data processing we help businesses in monetizing the data we deliver them. We create and implement the marketing strategy to convert intent-driven consumer data into your sales. Typically the majority of the data comes from social web, and consequently a successful marketing strategy has an important benefit of establishing long-term social presence for your business.

We also offer free end user services. Knowing consumer intent gives us capability to identify in real-time social users in need of travel help. Our data is actionable, allowing to respond momentarily to individuals with timely recommendations and advice.

Knowing consumer intent in real-time gives business power to control the sales process. Your customer satisfaction will improve, and your sales will grow significantly.

And if you are not ready to start using our full service, you can always send us a short description of your business, its value, and how it is better from competition. We will be happy to connect consumers with your product when appropriate. No commitment on your part is required.

Intent-driven data offers instant value, start enjoying it.


nmodes Technology - Overview


nmodes ability to accurately deliver relevant messages and conversations to businesses is based on its ability to understand these messages and conversations. Once a system understands a sentence or text, it can easily perform a necessary action, i.e. bring a sentence about buying a car to the car dealership, or a complaint about purchased furniture to the customer service department of the furniture company.

Understanding sentences is called semantics. nmodes has developed a strong semantic technology that stand out in a number of ways.

Here is how nmodes technology is different:

1. Low computational power. We don’t use methods and algorithms deployed by almost everyone else in this space. The algorithms we are using allow us to achieve high level of accuracy while significantly reducing the computational power. Most accurate semantic systems, e.g. Google’s, or IBM’s, rely on supercomputers. By comparison our computational requirements are modest to the extreme, yet we successfully compete with these powerhouses in terms accuracy and quality of results.

2. Private data sources. We work extensively with Twitter and other social networks, yet at the same time we process enterprise data.  Working with private data sources means system should know details specific only to this particular data source. For example, when if a system handles web self-service solution for online electronics store it learns the names, prices, and other details of all products available at this store.  

3. User driven solution. Our system learns from user’s input. Which makes it extremely flexible and as granular as needed. It supports both generic topics, for example car purchasing, and conversations concentrating on specific type of car, or a model.